Anthony Nolan

Anthony Nolan saves the lives of people with blood cancer. Every day, we use our register to match incredible individuals willing to donate their bone marrow to people whose last chance of life is a transplant. But we can't find a match for everyone who comes to us. Your support could help us find more donors and save more lives.

We aim to find a donor for every person who needs one and improve the quality of life of people who have had a transplant. Today there are more than 500,000 potential donors on the Anthony Nolan register, giving hope to people in need of lifesaving bone marrow transplants. We also conduct world-class research into stem cell matching and transplants, so we can make sure every person in need gets the best possible treatment.

Call us on: 01433 651972 or submit your question below, we'll come back to you asap (usually within 24 hours)